February 8, 2013

Offices and Showroom of Cupa Pierres | Diaz and Diaz Architects

Diaz and Diaz Architects have designed  the Offices and Showroom for Cupa Pierres where to locate in Le Mans, Marseilles, Tours, Paris, Pau, Limoges, Muzillac, and Champagné. CUPA Group company in France is implanted with a series of office-showrooms to give unity to the project business.

This building type is designed with a contemporary esthetic both in interior and exterior. The stores are destined for sale of stone and they show different examples of placing it in the buildings.

+ Project credits / data
Architect: Diaz and Diaz Architects | http://en.diazydiazarquitectos.com/
Project: Stone Marketing Agencies in France
Location: Offices and Showroom of Cupa Pierres in Le Mans, Marseilles, Tours, Paris, Pau, Limoges, Muzillac, Champagné
Client: Cupa Pierres
Date: 2010
Area: 650 m2

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